Jeremy J. Kox Landscape Architecture, LLC
"Innovative Landscape Solutions"
We take great pride in helping our clients
achieve the landscape they desire through innovative planning and project
programming. Our associates strive to improve the creativity of the
industry and are excited about the reputation that Jeremy J. Kox Landscape
Architecture, LLC has developed through their visionary concepts and dedicated
customer service.
Well respected for our design work in
Wisconsin, JJKLA has also begun to establish a reputation for unique, expressive
landscape designs throughout the United States with notable projects present
throughout Michigan as well as in the states of Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa,
Pennsylvania, Montana and Florida.
It is Jeremy's vision to provide our clients'
with environmentally sensitive, accessible, highly aesthetic (yet functional)
landscapes that reflect the mood of the space, the "genius loci," and create a
welcoming environment second only to nature.
Scope of Experience
