

The Design Process

Jeremy J. Kox Landscape Architecture, LLC


Great exterior spaces start with superior planning.  Since our inception, we have focused on creating thoughtfully balanced solutions that reflect our clients' needs and expectations.  Working directly with our clients to establish the design goals and budget, we focus on developing a complete project program.  We understand that our best results are only achieved through respect for and collaboration with our clients, our communities, and our natural environment.


Our Design Process is as follows...

1) Initial Consultation

Our first meeting will be held on site where we will discuss the opportunities and constraints of the site.  We will discuss the scope of your project and develop a set of expectations for each other.  If you decide you are comfortable with your JJKLA representative, they will proceed into the project programming phase.  Otherwise, if time does not permit or the scope of the project is complex, our agent will return to the office to prepare a service proposal and arrange secondary meetings.

2) Project Programming

We work diligently together to determine your vision and overall project goals through a thorough interview process.  We create a wish list and establish budget guidelines.  In addition, we complete a site inventory and analysis along with a logical review of  the landscape site variables.  We make a final assessment as to whether or not you will need a site survey, topographic map, and/or a soil analysis, and gather any governmental codes and regulations limiting the site's development.

3) Preliminary / Conceptual Design

After we have completed the program our agent will develop a preliminary plan or series of preliminary concept plans and evaluate probable construction costs.  Together we will review the design and finalize the construction budget.  Based on your input, the design and cost analysis report are revised until you are satisfied and ready to proceed.  If it is clear that your wish list exceeds your budget, we work together to prioritize your design features or perform value engineering.  At this point, you may decide to break the project up into more than one construction phase to make it more affordable.  We will help you create a logical multi-phased installation plan.

4) Construction Documentation

Once you are happy with the preliminary plan and construction budget, we will develop your design into a "bid-set" that landscape contractors can use for accurate estimating.  The bid-set includes a detailed construction plan, planting plan, construction details, specifications unique to your project, and a bid form.  During this stage we will meet to review the specific "blueprints," including all the plant selections and construction material choices.  As soon as the bid-set has been completed to your satisfaction, it will either be sent out to general bid through a select RFP (request for proposal) or, based on pre-qualifications, be presented  to a single contractor to prepare a construction installation bid.


5) Project Management

Once the best contractor has been selected, JJKLA will work with the selected company to ensure strict quality control and adherence to the construction documentation.  We will provide a working schedule/ timeline and keep all contractors accountable to maintaining the schedule as closely as possible.




Camp U-Nah-Li-Ya - 2011

LaCount Residence - 2009

Follett Estate - 2009-10
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